~ The Role of Social Media in the Use of Personal Information for Advertising and Promotion ~
※The session will be conducted in English ONLY. Please make sure to secure your seat in advance from the online registration form at the bottom of this page.

Digital communication media and social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have made unprecedented impact on our life.
The way companies make use of ever expanding digital communication media for business purposes gone beyond traditional advertising and public relations and their success can make or break the company. Would private sector use their abundant data to enhance consumers’ benefit by analytics or would they try to manipulate the behavior of consumers? That is the question now debated. In fact, how to regulate the data flow has attracted much attention throughout the world. Countries differ in their approach to privacy protection. For example, the EU is stricter than the US and Japan regarding privacy issues, perhaps due to language barriers.
Digital communication media has also increasingly used by politicians, as they realize its value of communicating directly to the public throughout the world, without interference or interpretation by the traditional mass media; newspapers and TV.
Citizens can design the new form of international relationships and diplomacy, by using digital communication media beyond boundaries. In other words, a relatively new form of “soft power” using digital media is emerging which is shaping perceptions and, in turn, the attractiveness of nations and what they stand for.
Recently, the role of social media companies has expanded and these companies have made their customers’/consumers’ information accessible to a much broader audience-- connecting people with similar interests. On the other hand, many recognize the possibility of high tech social media companies like Facebook and Twitter using (or misusing?) their customers’ information for their advertising and/or promotional purposes. People are possibly unknowingly or unwillingly being used by social media companies and sometimes by political consultancies to influence the election.
Now, the question has been raised as to how aware the public is about personal information distribution and usage and about users’ right to privacy. Who “owns” the data we provide to these social media companies has become the critical issue.
During this seminar, a panel of experts will discuss the current use and misuse of an individual’s information, who “owns” the data, how we can ensure that “new soft power” using digital communication media leads to international security, prosperity and growth, who should monitor and safeguard the privacy of the individual, and what is the role of the company/the individual/the government/public diplomacy agencies as it relates to these issues.
The panel will consist of Mr. Aki Kubo, Representative Director of the Williams Lea Tag in Japan who has multiple clients for their communication services in North Asia and Mr. Matt Burney, Director of British Council of Japan and expert on the role of citizen-to-citizen diplomacy and soft power.

いま、世界規模で活躍できる人材の育成が日本企業にとって課題となっています。 そのような時代の要請を受けて、アカデミーヒルズが開講しているグローバル人材育成プログラム「石倉洋子のグローバル・ゼミ(Global Agenda Seminar / GAS)」。 本シリーズはGASの特別セミナーとして、世界を舞台に活躍するゲストの経験・キャリアや原動力に直接触れ、参加者に世界的視野を持っていただくために広く一般のビジネスパーソン向けに開催しているセミナーシリーズです。募集要項
日時 |
19:00~20:30 ※受付開始は18:30頃を予定しております。 |
受講料 |
4,000円 |
定員 | 80名
※定員になり次第締切らせていただきます |
主催 |
会場 | アカデミーヒルズ(東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー49階) |
アカデミーヒルズ スクール事務局
受付時間:10:00-18:30 (土・日・祝・年末年始を除く)
- 電話番号 :
- 03-6406-6200
- サイトURL :
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01月21日 (火) 更新
01月21日 (火) 更新
01月21日 (火) 更新
本から「いま」が見えてくる新刊10選 ~2025年1月~