
How does Impact Investing change the world? ~Beyond ESG Investing~

Harvard Business School Club of Japan Sustainability Seminar Series



2022年09月12日 (月)  21:00~22:00




インパクト投資とは何か聞いたことはありますか?今回のSustainable Seminar Seriesでは、ESG投資のその次と言われているインパクト投資について取り上げます。インパクト投資の基本的な説明と、その発展がもたらす社会変化について、HBSにてインパクト投資を指導するShawn Cole教授に簡単なレクチャーを頂いた後、BlackRockにてグローバルでインパクト投資を促進するQuyen Tran氏とディスカッションいただきます。HBS ECMメンバーの中村がモデレートいたします。


Have you heard about “Impact Investing”? In the next Sustainable Seminar Series, we will discuss about impact investing, which is also known as “Beyond ESG”. Professor Shawn Cole, who teaches impact investing at HBS (MBA course), will deliver a short lecture about impact investing and its implication for societal change, followed by a fireside chat with Ms. Quyen Tran, a Director at BlackRock. The session will be moderated by HBS Club of Japan Executive Committee Member, Mr. Masato Nakamura.
The seminar will be in English and open to general audiences.

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Shawn Cole
Professor, Harvard Business School

Harvard Business Schoolのファイナンス部門にて教授を務め、ファイナンス、インパクト投資、ESG投資、ソーシャルエンタープライズ、ベースオブザピラミッドの為の事業などについて指導する。また、研究分野として米国や途上国におけるマイクロファイナンス、マイクロインシュランス、携帯電話を用いた農業・財務教育などについてリサーチを行い数々の賞を受賞。Massachusetts Institute of Technologyにて経済学のPh.Dを取得。

Shawn Cole is a professor in the Finance Unit at Harvard Business School, where he teaches and conducts research on financial services, social enterprise, and impact investing.

Much of his research examines corporate and household finance in emerging markets, with a focus on insurance, credit, and savings. He has also done extensive work on financial education in the US and emerging markets. His recent research focuses on designing and delivering advice and education over mobile phones, with an emphasis on agricultural and financial management.

At HBS, he has taught FIN1 and FIN2 in the core curriculum, Business at the Base of the Pyramid, and courses on impact investing, as well various executive education courses. He currently teaches the PhD development sequence in the department of Economics.

He received a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2005, where he was an NSF and Javits Fellow, and an A.B. in Economics and German Literature from Cornell University. His work on insurance earned the 2015 "Shin Research Excellence Award;" in 2015 he was also named given a “Faculty Pioneer Award” from the Aspen Institute.

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Quyen Tran
Director of Impact Investing & Head of Fundamental Equities Sustainable Investing Research

Director of Impact InvestingおよびGlobal Head of Sustainable Investing Research for Fundamental EquitiesとしてBlackRockにおけるグローバルでのインパクト投資やサステナブル投資の手法を設計し推進し、上場・未上場企業への株式や債券投資に関わる。また関連分野のリサーチや発行物にも関わっている。サステナブル投資分野推進のため、アカデミアへの貢献も行っており、タフツ大学The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacyにおいてインパクト投資分野の教授も務める。Global Impact Investing Network(GIIN)やthe Impact Management Project(IMP)のワーキンググループにも関わっている。ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール経営学修士取得。

Quyen Tran is the Director of Impact Investing at BlackRock and Global Head of Sustainable Investing Research for Fundamental Equities. Her research creates BlackRock's core criteria for impact investing across asset classes and best practices in impact measurement. She serves as a strategic consultant for investment teams across equities and fixed income in public and private markets to launch impact strategies. Quyen develops the concepts and leads the authorship of foundational research publications.

Committed to advancing the sustainable investing ecosystem, Quyen partners with academia and industry practitioners. She is a Professor of Impact Investing at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a member of Harvard Business School's Alumni for Impact Initiative. She frequently speaks at industry events, including global forums at Milken Institute, the Global Steering Group, Harvard Social Enterprise Conference, and the United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit. Quyen has served as Board Advisor for Bentley University's Sustainable Investment Group and served in working groups at the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and the Impact Management Project (IMP).

She earned her MBA from Harvard Business School and her BA, cum laude, in philosophy from Mount Holyoke College where she was awarded the J.M. Warbeke Prize in Philosophy. She studied philosophy abroad at the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath, India. In her former role at Cambridge Associates, Quyen advised endowments, foundations, and other non-profit institutions on investment strategy.

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中村将人 (なかむら・まさと)
GLIN Impact Capital 創業パートナー

ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールClub of Japan Executive Committeeメンバー。インパクト投資ファンドGLIN Impact Capitalの創業パートナー。国内外企業の未上場企業に対してインパクト/ESG投資を行う。ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールにてMBAを取得。

Founding Partner of GLIN Impact Capital, which invests in growth stage social startups in Japan and the US. While studying at Harvard Business School, he served as the President of the Impact Investment Club and worked for the Acumen Fund, a pioneer in impact investing. HBS MBA class of 2020.

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日時 2022年09月12日 (月)  21:00~22:00


受講料 無料
受講対象者 一般 ライブラリーメンバー






  • HBS Club of Japan(HBS日本同窓会)
  • アカデミーヒルズ

※お申込期日:9/12(月)21:00 まで